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Akademia Małych Pisarzy
Koniec Akademii Małych Pisarzy
Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu plastycznego
Szkolenie dla nauczycieli
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About us

Who We are...

We are a non governmental, public benefit organisation established in 2009. Our mission is to promote personal and artistic development of people, young and adult, suffering from various mental crises, also providing therapy and care for children with  health issues. We want to better realise our aim through establishing a therapeutic centre in Gdańsk where therapy and art will help to build potential of groups threatened with exclusion.

1. Development through contact with art,dealing with the problem of tv and computer addictions. Counteraction against aggression and violence present in schools.

When a child attending elementary school behaves in a wrong way,  punishing it seems ineffective. It is most probable that, the child itself experiences, violence and bad treatment. We are working with such children, giving them time and place to express what is happening in their small worlds Using very innovative approaches which involve theatrical, art and film making techniques we create stories with children thanks to our "3 Sacks method.

2. Giving equal chances of development for children with special needs who attend schools with integrated classes. Children with disabilities and may other issues have difficulties in attending many after school activities serving the development of their hidden potential and possibilities. Our aim is to create appropriate conditions for their creativity ,self-confidence,their dignity and their cognitive abilities to flourish. Thanks to it they will have a better chance to be more self-reliant,also financial independence in their future adult lives.
We strongly believe that it is vital to support entire families which face the problem of disability Parents exhausted and worn-out with their child's illness need complex psychotherapeutic support. Siblings of such a child should also be treated with care. Living mostly "in the shadows" of illness are also forced to take the cost of the sickness which is present in the family.

3. Personal development of women through contact with art. As part of our foundation a theatre "Blue dress" is estaablished. It is created only by women,it is their way of expression of their deeply hidden feelings and emotions. They have the possibility to do it thanks to many workshops,training and spectacles. By doing it women find a space where they can better understand themselves each other and the world surrounding them. Also it shows them how to better understand and support their children.

4. Aid in the circumstance of mental crisis.
It is estimated that in Poland even 8 ml people suffers form depression Psychotherapeutic assistance is not a widespread support method in our country.
Our purpose is to lob in favour of system changes making this form of help more accessible for people who are unable to afford complex clinical treatment.

Czytany 5966 razy Ostatnio zmieniany sobota, 13 kwiecień 2013 18:33