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Akademia Małych Pisarzy
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Rozstrzygnięcie konkursu plastycznego
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The 3 Sacks method: What, How and Why?

It is our own method inspired by the approach of London's childrens creativity development centre: Children's Story Centre Discover.

How it works – inside three separate sacks, there are three cathegories ofobjects: colourfull cloths, puppets and the so called „surprise-objects". Children, with their eyes closed, pull out various objects from the sacks. Most frequently they identify themselves with the puppet they pull out of the sacks, they give it a name and tell it's involment in the fairy tale which is being created These activities stimulates children's imagination and gives the oppotunity for a collaborative story creation. During the story creation process children are very much involved end emotionally engaged. Together they work with thir owm emotions and to solve their inner conflicts through the story creation.

The story is written down by the volontrary worker who also participates in the session. Later written text is later edited by a person with appropriate qualifications. During the next session the fairy tale creation may be continued, or the text can be changed if the group wishes for it.

The three sacks method uses elements of many modern educational approaches
and artistic techniques which allow boundless development of potential
hidden in children.

The Secretary general of the Polish UNESCO Comity prof. Sławomir Ratajski
said:-„The role of art in the process of creative thinking development, goes
unnoticed. Culture and art should be the core of education, not as it is
usually today, on its margin.

Furthermore - as prof. Ratajski remarks: Research indicates, that active
contact with art stimulates intelligence, imagination and the ability of
critical thinking."
His remarks emerged during the „Education Through Culture. Creativity and
Innovation" conference, which was organised by the Polish UNESCO Comity in
co-operation with The Polisch Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in
March 2011.

Newest research shows that more active educational approaches are far more
successful than passive reception used for instance in listening
excerccises. The ame of these active methods is learning through experience
and action.

The Remembering Pyramid shows interdependence in between the ability to
remember things and the method used. /so called: „Dale Cube"/

10% of what he/she hears
20% of what he /she sees
40% of what he/she talks about/discusses

90% of what he/she is doing when he/she learns through action in which
he/she can make hir or her own decisions.

Thus, to stimulate learners their process of learning and remembering should involve as many senses as possible. Creative activity and achieving own goals ,enriches and deepens learner's knowledge, its operativeness andpermanence. Methods of working with children ,presented by us, engage them in a most effective and active way. Our experience shows that during the story creation, even the most over active children are able to stay focused.

Czytany 5946 razy Ostatnio zmieniany czwartek, 21 czerwiec 2012 07:11
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